Sorry for the delay in posting. I’ve been writing, but have had some technical problems.
We spent from 9:15 PM (California time) Wednesday evening, January 19, to 4:30 PM (Thailand time) Friday Jan 21 on airplanes, or preparing to be on airplanes. That's 27 + hours without counting the 14 hours we had already been up on Wednesday, or our Welcome Banquet in Chiang Mai after we arrived. We lost all of Thursday, Inauguration Day, because it never got light in our crossing of the Pacific, and when we landed, it was already Friday! A really long night.
On the 'up' side, we are affirmed, more and more, that our new friends and employer are as authentic in their passion and devotion to their work as they are professional in accomplishing that work. Top notch people, yet very like a family. It has really given our decision to teach English in Viet Nam with this group of folks an extra dazzle.
Many things will be accomplished while all the teachers are here in Chiang Mai: the ones who have been teaching in Asia awhile get a well-deserved "R & R", and new teachers (us) will be trained. Some of the current teachers are working on their own post graduate degrees, and will attend classes here. and all will be treated to community with the father. There will be over 500 of us. We will meet our teaching teammates, and others who are already teaching in Viet Nam. This is exciting stuff, guys!
Keep us in your thoughts, please, and we shall remember you in ours.